Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI):
SERI is the non-profit organization responsible for establishing the R2 Standard. SERI conducts educational and outreach services and provides administrative support for the multi-stakeholder R2 Technical Advisory Committee.
Responsible Industry Operating Standard (RIOS):
RIOS™ is an integrated Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety Management System Certification that is designed for recycler, by recyclers. With RIOS™, recyclers are able to obtain certification without having to fit their system into a program designed for manufacturers.
National Association for information Destruction (NAID):
NAID focuses on secure data destruction and advocates for a standard of best practices across governments and by service providers as well as product, equipment, and service suppliers globally. It also works to improve the sales efforts of approximately 2,000-member companies by providing tools for compliance with all known data protection regulations. The NAID AAA Certification Program, which is held by approximately 1,000 service providers on five continents, is now required in thousands of government and private service contracts.